Make up your own "Days of Our Lives"
Austin Reed and Greta Von Amburg


Tom and Alice Honton
Bo and Hope Brady
Roman and Marlana Brady
John and Isbella Black
John and Kristen Black
John and Maralana Black
Austin and Carrie Reed
Austin Reed and Sami Brady
Austin Reed and Greta Von Amburg
Austen Reed and Nicole Walker
Eric Brady and Nicole Walker
Eric Brady and Greta Von Amburg
Jack and Jennifer Deuvoux
Jack Deauvoux and Greta Von Ambrug
Brandon Walker and Sami Brady
Brandon Walker and Jennifer Horton
Brandon Walker and Greta Von Ambrug
Lucaus Roberts and Carrie Brady
Lucaus Roberts and Sami Brady
Lucaus Roberts and Nicole Walker
Lucaus Roberts and Greta Von Ambrug
Shawn Douglas Brady and Bell Black
Shawn Douglas Brady and Jane Spears
Phillip Kiwleausk and Chole Lane
Brady Black and Chole Lane
Colin Murphy and Jennifer Honton
Colin Murphy and Greta Von Amburgh
The Teens
Phillip, Chole, Brady

This picture is for all the fan fiction areas where Greta takes the major part in.  I only part it because this is the first spot that my eyes laid upon.

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