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The Complete Friends Script Index is maintained by: Eric Aasen
The CFSI Mirror Site is maintained by: Sam Smith
The Complete Scripts in French by: Franck Beulé
The Complete Scripts in Italian by: Biagio
For More Friends Stuff Visit: The Friends Place
Make sure you have the latest update: here
This page was last updated on: January 30, 2002
You've found it! The first and best place to find every script for every episode of Friends. And the largest collection of fanfic on the web.
I've been rather busy lately, hence the long period of time between updates, and a lot has happened since then. I've moved, got a new job, and on January 12th the CFSI turned 4 years old, and I've started looking for a good school. Also, I think I need to remind you that the US and Canada air their shows differently than the rest of the world. Each season is roughly 24 episodes long. The season starts in September and ends in May, which is about 32 weeks. That means there are about 8-10 repeats shown throughout the season. Most of these repeats happen during the holidays and in March, at times when a lot of people aren't watching TV. So if I take a while to update the site, it may very well mean that there aren't any new episodes for me to transcribe. So some patience is required, and as a lot of you may have figured out, I don't respond to e-mails asking me when I'm going to update the site. Because the answer's always the same, I'll update the site when I have the time too.
Now let me get down off of my soapbox and tell you that I have finished The One With Ross's Big Step Forward, will Ross send out a holiday card with Mona or will he just make her a mixed tape? The One Where Joey Dates Rachel, will Joey fall in love with Rachel or will Rachel fall in love with Joey after the best dates of their lives? And The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath, will Chandler let Calgon take him away or will he just get bath salts stuck up his bum?
I have quite a few fanfics to upload, and I'll be doing them over the next few weeks. So I'd like to ask a favor of all of the fanfic authors out there, if you have a story could you please hold off on sending it to me for a couple weeks until I get caught up? Thank you in advance. Also, I've made a slight change to the Fanfic Submission Requirements, please check them out.
Finally, I've won another award. Thank you for voting for me.
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Enter your e-mail address and join the CFSI Mailing list to keep informed of when I update the site.
Visit the "Official" Friends Page:
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Do you want to have a script index on your page? Click here for the requirements to use my scripts on your site.
Looking for a particular episode? Search the CFSI here.
Read the Fanfic Submission Requirements and submit your fanfics here.
Read what other people have written about the CFSI here.
Check out the CFSI awards page.
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And don't forget to buy all of your books and CDs from these sites below. You can get all of the Friends stuff you want!!
Disclaimer: These scripts are probably the property of NBC, Warner's Bros., Bright Kauffman Crane Productions, and the individual writers and are used without their permission. These are not authentic scripts, they're only transcribed from the show. This site is a not-for-profit site for entertainment purposes only. I consider this to be a service for those who may have missed an episode, for those in other countries that are curious as to what is happening in the current season, and a site to post fanfic scripts. So what I'm getting to is, if a representative from above has a problem with the site, don't sue me you won't get anything, because I have nothing to give. Just tell me to take it down, and I will.
I'd like to thank gunieapig for being the original creator of the CFSI, Ben Ataya for maintaining the old mirror site, and Sam Smith for maintaining the new Mirror Site. I'd also like to thank everyone who has contributed scripts, both episodes and fanfic scripts, and especially Darcy Partridge for his input on the site and especially Aaron Howard-Miller for all of the CGI work. Thank you to Gregor Miller for use of his Friends Font.
Eric Aasen: Ericaasen1@aol.com
This page's URL: http://thecfsi.com